Architectural Animation is a short architectural movie created on a computer. A computer-generated building is created along with landscaping and sometimes moving people and vehicles. Unlike an architectural rendering, which is a single image from a single point of view, an architectural animation is a series of hundreds or even thousands of still images.
When these images are assembled and played back they produce a movie effect much like a real movie camera except all images are artificially created by computer. It is possible to add a computer-created environment around the building to enhance reality and to better convey its relationship to the surrounding area
This can all be done before the project is built giving designers and stakeholders a realistic view of the completed project. Architectural renderings are often used along with architectural animation.
Quotes are provided for the entire job. Animations take a long time to render out, so we do a low quality draft, once that is sent, any changes can be made, and revisions requested, however once the Final Render Video is submitted, revisions take a long time to implement, so there is usually added cost associated with that, however you will be notified of any additional charges before we make the changes.
A 3D Animated Walkthrough is more complex, and takes longer time, going through many drafts, perfecting the final video. We edit out videos, and add appropriate themed music and ambiance to help tell a story.
Feel free to contact us for a free estimate.